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NII Explore logo Jun 19.png

From constructing sky-high spaghetti and marshmallow towers to exploring force and energy with DIY catapults, Grade 3 is building something exciting! 

Builders Bonanza

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Curriculum reference: Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms

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Paper Airplanes

Curriculum reference: Movement, Air and Water in the Environment

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Spaghetti and Marshmallow Towers

Curriculum reference: Strong and Stable Structures

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Balloon Rocket

Curriculum reference: Forces Causing Movement

The Great Outdoors

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Flying Kites

Curriculum reference: Forces Causing Movement

Random Acts of Scienceness

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Morse Code Necklaces

Curriculum reference: Patterning and Algebra


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The NII Explore Coding in the Classroom program helps students learn foundational skills like coding, which are critical to working in a digital economy. Learn more at

NII will consider partnerships with the following entities to deliver programming:  accredited academic institutions; private sector companies with expertise in education; philanthropic foundations; indigenous communities; and individuals with particular experience in educational programming.


If you are interested in partnering with NII on educational programs, contact for more information.

Nuclear Innovation Institute headquarters

P.O. Box 2080, 620 Tomlinson Drive

Port Elgin, Ontario

N0H 2C0

NII Advance Technology Campus

117 Farrell Drive

Tiverton, Ontario

N0G 2T0

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